by Pastor Joe
by Pastor Joe
Tittle: 4 Things Christ was fighting for to keep out of the faith, church and our family
Text Luke 6:6-11
In Theses verses we can discover the five types of peope found in any given church.
1- Those that are there to TEACH something!
A- We come to see that Jesus was in the synagogue with the purpose to teach.
B- In any given church you find those that are there to teach.
C- Some are there to teach the truth and some are the with the intent to not teach the truth of God's Word.
C- It is our personal responsibility to make sure that we find ourselves under the teaching and preaching of the truth of the Word of God. We must do our due diligence to make sure.
2- Those that are there to Worship!
A- The Bible does not go into specific of how many people were there that day, but one thing we can be sure of, there were more than the ones mentioned.
B- Even tho you find some that go to church to worship, make sure you are worshipping the real Jesus and not anyone else.
3- Those that are there to learn!
A- Without a doubt people went to the synagogue to learn about God and His Word.
B- There are many today who go to church to learn and that is admirable, but that's not the case with everyone.
C- Some are looking for other things. Church should be used to Worship and learn the wonderful things of God.
D- Make sure you are there for the right reasons!
4- Those that are there to criticize!
A- You immediately notice that the Pharisees and Scribes were watching Jesus very closely to find something they could accuse Him of or criticize Him for.
B- A reality comes thru these verses, if you look hard and long enough you will find something to criticize your church and or leaders, even if you have to make it up!
C- BE careful that this is not you!!
5- Those that have a need!
A- One man stood up with a physical need, but all in that room had a spiritual need, salvation.
B- If given the chance and people would be honest, you would find a plethora of need in any given church.
C- The church may not have the means to meet everybody's financial need, but the church can do plenty with people's Spiritual needs.
D- Don't ever leave church, without taking care of your Spiritual needs!
You can't help why some people go to church, but you can help yourself.
Make sure that you are there for the right reasons, taking care of your Spiritual needs!
In these verses Jesus is fighting against unbelievers to make sure 4- things don't creep into our Faith, Church & FAMILY.
1- Accusation without merit! V7
V7 says, that they might find an accusation against Him.
A- The Scribes & Pharisees were looking to accuse Jesus without cause.
B- Jesus knows everything about being accused without reasons. As a matter of fact, He died by false accusation.
C- Do yourself a favor, keep accusations without merit out of the FAITH, CHURCH and FAMILY!
2- Men's laws over God's laws! V9
V9 says, I will ask one thing of you, is it lawful.
A- Jesus, was asking the Pharisees and the Scribes a valid point, according to God and His laws, is it prohibited to do something good?
B- According to the laws they had created apart from God, it was.
C- In another passage, Christ says, if an Ox falls into a ditch, won't you rescue it?
D- Answering Christ would condemn themselves either way.
E- Keep God's laws above men's laws out of the FAITH, CHURCH and FAMILY.
3- Humanism without grace! V11
V11 says, they commune one with another.
A- The Pharisees and Scribes were talking with each other on what they would do to Jesus.
B- Humanity, was trying to judge Divinity.
C- Humanism says, they value their thoughts, and ideas, above Gods.
D- They never inquired of God what to do, they inquired amongst themselves on what to do.
E- Keep humanism out of the FAITH, CHURCH and FAMILY. In all these three places the Word of God must be applied, not what we think.
4- Destruction apart from God's desire! V11
V11 says, what they might do to Jesus.
A- The Pharisees and Scribes were only interested in doing one thing to Jesus, destroy Him.
B- If they would have searched God's desire, they would have found another desire.
C- Too often we act apart from God's desire and it always leads to the destruction of self and or others.
D- Keep destruction out of the FAITH, CHURCH and FAMILY
Throughout the whole story, only one man stood with Jesus, the man with the withered hand.
Friends, God is calling us to stand and fight with Him in making sure these things don't creep into our FAITH, CHURCHES and FAMILIES!